
Showing posts from October, 2017

Vampires in Malawi

Image After a mob violently killed nine people in Blantyre Malawi, since September there has been an increase of accusations of vampires in Malawi. It started off with rumors in Mozambique which is also the assumed place of origin of the vampires. According to some you know you have the virus when your nose begins to bleed profusely and you are very weak. To others this is just a hoax. In order to punish the people accused of vampirism for their crime, the citizens of these towns that the vampires reside, are accusing people and stoning them to death. A reason for this so far is due to the new vagrancy laws, which prevent people from loitering certain areas. I think this is a ridiculous accusation but it reminds me of when people were saying we had zombies because of a guy on drugs. Accusations like this happen everywhere it appears, even all the way in Africa.

This Is Africa Exhibit

According to Chinese culture they find Recently a museum in China held an exhibit that showcased Africa in a different way. Pictures of animals making fierce faces were put up next to Africans making a very similar face. There are many people from Africa that live in China that found this very offensive therefore they complained before the museum had it removed. I found this to be offensive myself and wondered why they would think it is okay especially with all the racial controversy going on today, or in the past hundreds of years. According to Chinese culture they find it very acceptable to compare people with animals since their zodiac signs are animals. Another thing that offended me is that they titled this exhibit this is Africa. I've had many family members tell me their travel stories in Africa and they definitely don't describe it to be like thes

Unrecorded Births in Africa All over Africa there are low percentage rates of babies being registered by government officials and UNICEF has been working for years to change this issue. Without being registered and having a birth certificate many children suffer the consequences of not being able to receive an education and takes away many rights the child would have if they were registered. Babies that aren't registered usually grow up and are forced to work, or are deployed in the army because no one knows how old they are . With no proof these children are easily taken advantage of. A girl that is raped and cannot provide her birth certificate does not get justice when they cannot prove she is a minor, therefore her rapist does not face any jail time. This also goes for arranged marriages. Young girls are given up for arranged marriages at ages 14 or 15