
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why isn't anyone speaking about Africas floods?

Recently Hurricane Harvey has taken over most of the media sources making the American people aware of its damage in Houston Texas. What's not being talked about as much and should be take just as serious are the floods engulfing Africa, Sierra Leone to be exact. Just like Hurricane Harvey rains began to flood Africa in August killing thousands of its inhibitors. Mudslides are what's being called the reason for many homes being destroyed along with the rising death toll. Unfortunately Africa has seen storms that have killed many but this storm has been called the most devastating. The president of Africa is asking for help from others but so far there haven't been many reports of help coming to Africa, not like there are in the US. Freetown Sierra Leone is not the best part of Africa and a very poor percentage of the population live there, therefore the town has not been able to properly prepare for rainy seasons like these that destroy and flood towns. This flood is not j